Teeth... Emmett is currently cutting 8 new teeth. Yes, Emmett is a bit old for teething, one of the side affects of not orally feeding. Emmett has not used his little mouth in over a year and a half to eat. He is strictly fed through a gastrostomy tube also known as a G-tube. It is so interesting to me to learn how our bodies are made to naturally develop and grow. Even the simplest thing as using our mouths to bite down on foods which softens up the gums for the teething process to begin. Remarkable how the body is made. Emmett is still not eating by mouth but is able to use teething and oral stimulation tools to help with his verbal development.
Emmett displaying his new teeth
On Friday we ventured over to Grandma's house for lunch.
Grandma has a delicious vegetable garden. Emmett helped pick the perfectly ripe tomato's for our soup.
Grandma aka my mother, is preparing the dishes for lunch. Ethan however, has a difference in taste of food's and requested Mac n Cheese.
We then traveled about a mile or two down the road to visit the Phoenix Arizona Temple site. We are so excited for it's completion. Ethan and Emmett enjoyed watching the tractor's and cranes move about the landscape.
I am so excited about this... Ethan, Emmett , Grandma and I went to explore the great outdoor's at a near by hiking trail. Emmett walked a majority of the way. His endurance is proving to be more and more. He loved running along the paved trail with Ethan and stopping to watch the ground hogs or birds ran across the road.
All I can say is Life is Good!!! Go Emmett, Go!